Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Your Sun Sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are

Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

The Sun in Taurus

Sun in Taurus

The Sun in Taurus

The Sun in astrology symbolizes the core essence of who you are – your individuality and sense of self. Your Sun Sign is of major importance. The Sun in Taurus describes what is likely to motivate you, and why.

Exploring the house in which your Sun is found will give even greater detail.

If you do not feel much like your Sun Sign, then consider – Are giving yourself permission to be who you truly need to be?

Taurus: Fixed Earth   Ruler: Venus

Keywords: Stability, Structure, Security, Reliability, Sensuality

Positive Expression: Steadfast, loyal, calm, affectionate, practical, productive

Negative Expression: Stubborn, unreasonable, overindulgent, stingy, rigid, dull, materialistic.



The Need to Feel Secure

When the Sun is found in Taurus, the drive to establish and maintain a sense of security is important. Taureans are learning about security, and what it means to be able to maintain a stable sense of self.


With the Sun in Taurus, this is a journey to the centre of what it means to be well-grounded. Taurus is not, however, a materialistic sign. On the contrary, a more correct understanding would be that there is a profound emotional connection between physical objects and a strong sense of self-worth.


Taurus relates to all things physical, sensual and real. Accordingly Taureans will be most responsive to what they can see, hear, smell, taste and touch­. Not necessarily concerned with pursuing objects for their own sake, Taureans are here to learn to experience function and form.




That which is tangible, or ‘real’ generates feelings of self-worth for Taurus that are hard to ignore. Taureans will often associate what is in front of them with how they feel about themselves. There can be a deep need to accumulate money and possessions.


Taureans of this type can be all about fixed-term accounts, home deposits and cash at hand. Money and ownership for the sake of security are key motivational factors, rather than the outward glamour or prestige that possessions can bring.


They need money in the bank, and should make sure that security needs are met in order to feel any peace. Once security has been established, then sharing possessions with others will keep the flow of abundance open, allowing those with the Sun in Taurus to gain full benefit from what it is they own.


This is an Earth sign, giving stability, practicality and solidity to the personality structure. Taureans are known for dependability, loyalty and a realistic approach to life.


In friendship, they display grace, charm and good humour. In love, they are reliable and constant. They tend to be characterized by warmth, kindness and generosity – seeking to share the good things in life they have found with others.


What is my Star Sign and is that the same as my Sun or Zodiac sign? Learn what Star Signs mean


Issues with Change

Those born with the Sun in Taurus will look at a problem from a pragmatic point of view, and if no simple solution presents itself, may prefer to wait and watch for conditions to improve – rather than risk adversity.


For such reasons, they can also be especially stubborn, and resistant to the new. Taureans tend to be peace-loving individuals, who would much rather graze in imagined fields of lush, ever-green comfort than face the uncertainty of struggle or too much change.


This sign is Fixed in quality, which brings the capacity for endurance but also a tendency to resist. Taurus represents principles of continuity, solidity and form. Taureans tend to cling to what is comfortable and familiar for as long as possible.


Accordingly, some Taureans can feel deeply unsettled by change. Time and again they will choose comfort and security over the new and unknown. Over time this can become a distinct disadvantage.


Taurus may have their heads down, happily grazing on the same patch of ground, and so be ignorant to the fact that an opportunity for change has come and already moved on. 


Taureans can become very distressed when they sense that change is imminent, and may react by unconsciously ‘digging in their hooves’ – becoming inert to avoid unwanted change. In this case, other people tend to operate as the catalysts that Taurus needs, bringing necessary change in the form of sudden shocks which force the Taurean to evolve.


Partners often provide the impetus needed to keep Taurus moving. Stubbornness, and a certain rigidity about considering other points of view, may need to be released.


Some Taureans will focus solely on practical things, and will concern themselves with what is tangible over the esoteric at almost every turn. This in itself is not problematic, unless the concern for what is in front of one’s nose turns into the famed Taurean stubbornness to admit any other reality than one’s own.


Taurus has a reputation for laziness, and there are some born to this sign who will quite happily spend the whole day in bed. Whilst comfort and pleasure are indeed physical experiences which need to be met, overindulging can make it hard to stay motivated and on track. 



The House Your Sun is In and What It Means


Click on the link to find out more about your Sun’s House and how to express your strengths

First House     Second House     Third House     Fourth House     Fifth House    Sixth House

Seventh House      Eighth House      Ninth House      Tenth House       Eleventh House      Twelfth House


Do you know which House your Sun is in? Find out more about your Solar House

Learn by Letting Go

For others with Sun in Taurus, life is a mystery to be explored. These Taureans appear to avoid the material, in favour of more “refined” or spiritually motivated pursuits. This is most common when Scorpio or other transformational influences are also strong in the birth chart.


The experiences of the body and senses speak more strongly than any attachment to outer form. This Taurean is usually more concerned with the aesthetic side of life. Finding comfort through pleasure may be more important than maintaining a healthy bank account


Yet creating stability must nonetheless occur. The apparent rejection of purely material pursuits is still another way of basing a sense of self-worth on an emotional response to what is owned. A certain pride may form about ‘not being materialistic’ which actually masks hidden fear of not knowing how to generate enough.

Again care must be taken not to let stubborn or fixed opinions about the material world create a different kind of rut.


Learning to let go of dependence on material resources is a valuable lesson, yet achieving this ideal means doing so without denying the benefits that possessions will bring. Rare indeed is it to find a Taurus who is not profoundly enmeshed in ‘the material’, and all of its implications – whether they are busy accruing assets or resisting the pull toward doing so.


The Buddha himself was born with the Sun in Taurus, and his life story sheds light on this Taurean conundrum through the teaching of non-attachment. To let go of the material means first understanding the nature of its forms.


Ultimately, it may only be at such an elevated spiritual level of existence that Taurus can really transcend the material world. Finding a balance between physical needs and material attachment is the purpose of this journey. For  some with the Sun in Taurus this will mean understanding the physical plane through nonmaterial means.


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The gift of the Taurean is resilience, fixidity and endurance. Taureans are often accused of being too fixed in their opinions and too slow to embrace change or mental motivation, but their insights have settled slowly, taking time to mature, and thus carry a strength of permanence that is resistant to superficial movement. – Deb Houlding


Naturally Creative

Another important dimension of this sign is its affinity with creativity, beauty and form.

Those born with the Sun in Taurus will often have a pronounced sense of aesthetics –  liking nothing better than using their practical know-how to bring something beautiful into form.


For this reason, many Taureans display strong creative skills, and enjoy working at a leisurely pace to make something from available resources at hand. As a Fixed Earth sign, creativity can easily translate into garden, woodwork, floristry or working with stone. Anything tactile, natural and beautiful is a natural Taurean expression.


The need to generate material security can just as easily be expressed by pursuing that which brings joy and comfort through the endless bounty of this world. An appreciation of beauty and comfort can be expressed in many ways, and a powerful way for Taureans to connect with a sense of self is taking time to create something beautiful that is also useful


As mentioned, this is also a sign of great sensuality. Taureans often have a healthy interest in good food, good wine and good sheets.

Physical appetites are usually strong, with an innate awareness of the body and its’ needs.


Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the Goddess of Love. Accordingly, the gifts of Venus can be pronounced. Many Taureans have powerful sensual and sexual requirements that should ideally be met. Taking time to enjoy the body is an important aspect of self-worth.


The need for physical comfort and contact should not be underestimated or denied. Yet as always moderation is required. Taurus can easily slide into gluttony, excess and ill-health if grazing at one’s chosen trough is not balanced by hard work, temperance and some form of regular physical exercise.


Sun in Taurus: Your Taurus Solar Journey

If you were born with the Sun in Taurus then you are likely to be gifted with a grounded practicality and ability to face life as it is that is both an asset and a source of comfort. As you set realistic goals and see them achieved, you gain an inner sense of peace. Perseverance, constancy and an appreciation for the beauty in life are the benefits you bestow. By allowing yourself the pleasure and comfort of experiencing your senses to their fullest, you can share your sense of wonder and delight with all who come your way.  Your challenge is to give yourself permission to be stable and sensual, at the same time as remaining open to life-renewing change.


BUT WAIT….. There’s More!

There is so much more to your personality than just your Sun Sign. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon Sign describes who you already are. Your Rising Sign reveals how others see you

Scroll down to find all the tools you need to understand your unique gifts



About Your Sun Sign

Discover how your Sun Sign can reveal your life purpose


About Your Sun’s House

Get the expert perspective. Learn how the houses of your chart influence your Sun sign 


About Your Zodiac Strengths

Find out how your Sun Sign reveals your greatest strengths 


About Your Moon Sign

Meet your Moon Sign – The other major influence which describes who you are 


About Your Rising Sign

Why do others see you that way? Find out what a Rising Sign or Ascendant means


About Your Unique Personality

Explore Your Complete Astrological Profile – SUN, MOON AND RISING SIGNS COMBINATIONS 


About Your Mercury Sign

How do you think and process information? Learn about your Mercury sign   


About Your Venus Sign

Unlock the secrets to love and attraction with your Venus Sign 


About Your Mars Sign

What makes you act the way you do? Meet your Mars sign 


About Your Birth Chart

Find out how to make your own chart and how it will influence your personality  


About Astrology

Understand better what astrology can do for you and how it can help you to transform your life 


Watch this Video: Your Sun Sign and What It Means

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