Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Your Sun Sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are

Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

Your Ascendant is Capricorn

Capricorn Rising Ascendant

Your Capricorn Ascendant (or Rising Sign) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, as well as the ways in which you immediately respond to the world around you.

It also describes the kinds of experiences you need to have to make your life meaningful.

The combination of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant describe what you want (Sun), what you need (Moon), and how you will go about getting it (Ascendant).

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Born With Capricorn on Your Ascendant 

Planetary Ruler: Saturn


Born with Capricorn rising (or on the Ascendant), you may notice a duality in your nature between someone who is, on the one hand, serious, organized and capable, and on the other, uncertain about their ability to achieve all the things they want.

This is a curious combination of capability and caution that usually becomes balanced over time. The characteristics of Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, are pronounced – lending you an executive ability, patience and the ability to master difficult tasks, whilst at the same time, generating fear, awkwardness and an inclination toward pessimism or negativity. Ambition is often strong, but so too can be crippling doubt about your ability to achieve what you set out to do. For a well-rounded picture, the qualities of your Sun Sign and House should also be considered, as well as the qualities of your Moon sign.


Your Astrology Profile: Find Your Sun, Moon Or Rising Sign


Making Your Way To The Top


When your Ascendant is Capricorn, the mastery of material resources is a prime concern. You may have a tendency to be stern, strict and serious especially – with yourself. You can be far harder on yourself than you are on anyone else. Others may see you as a harsh task master or a capable leader, and you are likely to be well respected owing to your capacity for hard work, pragmatism and prolonged focus.

You need to find ways to make practical and efficient use of the resources that are available to you, and ultimately master your world. To do this, you need to cautiously plan and structure your approach in order to meet the voice of responsibility inside of you, urging you on toward success and achievement.

Treating yourself as you would a member of your team will help. Would you punish and criticize others as harshly as you do yourself? In the course of a day you are likely to do ten things, eight of which you will do very well. Yet at the end of the day it is the two you didn’t master, the two that were “less than perfect” that you will remember and recriminate yourself for. Rather than focussing on what you have not yet achieved you need to recognize what you have. Then you will see that you are more than able to fulfil whatever task is at hand, perhaps with a more patient approach?



Patience and Endurance


Achievements may be slow to come by, but are usually certain, owing to your methodical approach. The sign and house position of the Sun in your chart will give you many clues as to how this happens for you. Saturn, your ruler, is also known as Father Time, teaching valuable lessons through patience, commitment and endurance. Hardship and frustration teach you to refine your ambitions whilst developing long-term staying power. Limits, laws and structures must be recognized and obeyed. There is a need to make something of yourself; and this will become a key driving force. Submitting to the need for order, structure and discipline will lead to long term satisfaction and contentment.

Sometimes the inner expectation that life must be hard for you makes things far more difficult than need be. You meet what you expect in the world, and with Capricorn rising you may secretly expect hardship and limitation to greet you at every turn. These beliefs can lead to difficulty in realising your goals. The belief that life must be hard for you often sets things up so that they are! Learning to appreciate your need for hard work and discipline, without seeing yourself as somehow under the thumb of Cruel Fate, helps. Also putting your ambitions into perspective is a good move.



The Pleasures of Life


There is more to life than hard work and discipline. The potential to enjoy the physical things of life is also strong. You need to let yourself enjoy the journey, and your potential for sensual pleasure. This of course is much more easily achieved, once the crippling limitations of guilt and self-repression are removed. This Ascendant also brings great responsiveness to the needs and feelings of those you hold close. You will work hard for the people you care about. An ideal partner is one who can provide plenty of nurturing and support as a balance to all the apparent stiffness of the ‘capable’ Capricorn mask.

Publicly, you may come across as reserved. Always aware of status and protocol, you will avoid doing anything that might adversely affect your reputation. You will be aware of decorum and following appropriate social codes, but behind closed doors, another story can emerge. This sign is also associated with the festival of Saturnalia, in honour of Earthly Pleasures and Delights. With Capricorn rising you will find a sense of purpose and inner balance comes through pursuing your ambitions whilst giving plenty of time for recreation. By developing your sensual and practical sides you will find satisfaction, whilst reminding yourself that you are far more capable than you let yourself believe.


Your Ascendant is Capricorn: The Gift of Capricorn Rising


You are a work in progress and, in the end, highly likely to succeed. Affirming that you are able to create what you need EASILY while taking time to enjoy life’s pleasures will help to overcome any self-imposed limitations. Through perseverance and faith in your own ability you will eventually reach the summit of your desired achievements. If in doubt, just think about how far you have come. You are a born leader and strategist. 




About Your Rising Sign

Why do others see you that way? Find out what a Rising Sign or Ascendant means


About Your Unique Personality

Explore Your Complete Astrological Profile – SUN, MOON AND RISING SIGNS COMBINATIONS


About Your Sun Sign

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About Your Sun’s House

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About Your Zodiac Strengths

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About Your Moon Sign

Meet your Moon Sign – the other major influence  in terms of who you are


About Your Mercury Sign

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About Your Venus Sign

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About Your Mars Sign

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About Your Birth Chart

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