Triphala Digestive and detox

The Benefits of Triphala

Triphala is one of the the best researched natural remedies known to Ayurvedic medicine. With high levels of anti-oxidants, the benefits of triphala are numerous.

You can use Triphala to balance your digestion, remove toxins and provide your immune system with extra support to minimize the stress of everyday life

Translated literally as “three fruits”, Triphala is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulation consisting of fruits native to India. It is most commonly known for its use as a gentle bowel tonic, being helpful in digestion, and supporting regular bowel movements.

Triphala is one of the best tools available for a safe yet effective detox. Because it works to improve your digestion, it will help your body to naturally eliminate waste and improve resistance to environmental stress. 

In India, it is said if you don’t have your mother to look after you then the next best thing is Triphala!


The Importance of Nutrition and Proper Elimination.

Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine in the world. Tracing its origins to ancient India, Ayurveda is a total approach to health and wellbeing which seeks to integrate body, mind and soul.

The word Ayurveda means “Science of Life” and reflects the simple idea that the laws which govern nature and the cosmos also operate within human beings.

From observing subtle forces in the natural world, Ayurvedic physicians have developed a profound system of medicine based on thousands of years of practical application.

Ayurveda teaches that the path to better health is always through the right diet and optimal digestion

A huge component of Ayurvedic medicine is its focus on nutrition. Ayurveda has long taught what Western science is only fully appreciating now – the health of your entire being will depend on the foods you eat and how well subsequent waste is eliminated.

Good health therefore starts with nutrition. The food you eat will deeply affect how your body functions. In fact, a huge range of modern health concerns can be treated effectively with a focus on digestive health.

Learn more about the Ayurvedic approach to food and nutrition

Taking Triphala is one of the easiest ways to correct digestive imbalances and improve your body’s natural detoxification channels


The Benefits of Triphala

In Triphala, the combination of three fruits (Phyllanthus emblica or Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, and Terminalia belerica) has a synergistic effect which tones the digestive tract and bolsters many other systems as well. Triphala is also used to support healthy respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive and nervous system function

Assists natural internal cleansing – especially when taken before bed, Triphala works to clear the GI tract of toxins and improve elimination. It is said to have a ‘scraping’ effect on the tissues, meaning it will remove waste that can otherwise accumulate in the intestinal tract.

Gently maintains regularity  Triphala is an effective purgative and when taken in larger doses can be very effective in relieving constipation, or reducing gut reactivity (between 1-3 teaspoons)

Nourishes and rejuvenates the tissues – the antioxidant levels supplied by Triphala help protect cells from oxidative stress and assist in cell renewal. Therefore it is used for its anti-ageing and restorative properties

Supports healthy digestion and absorption – when the gut is functioning effectively more nutrients can be absorbed from food, whilst any irregularities tend to balance out

A safe tonic for the eyes – high levels of Vitamin C and E make for a very effective eye wash. It may help to delay degenerative changes, such as cataracts. An infusion made from Triphala can help clear eye infections and support eye health


Banyan Botanicals Organic Triphala Powder – 1/2 Pound – USDA Organic – Balancing Formula for Detoxification & Rejuvenation *


Immune system and digestive health triphala evidenec based integrative medicine

How to Take Triphala

Triphala is best taken at night, just before bed. Then its gentle cleansing and restorative actions can get to work. You will notice it is working well for you if you feel the urge for a bowel movement soon after rising the next day

It is most effective when taken in powdered form.

Simply mix 1/2 – 1 tsp in 50ml warm water and drink. At first, the taste can be off-putting as it is very bitter. However it is worth the momentary unpleasantness as neurotransmitters within the mouth immediately signal to the stomach and liver that a detoxifying food is now in your system. Triphala works best when you let yourself taste it. The same is true for any food we eat. 

The good news is you will notice a peculiar effect as you persevere.

The more often you take Triphala the sweeter its taste becomes. This is to do with certain phytochemicals within the combination, and how they react with toxins present in the mouth and throat. It is said that you can stop taking triphala when it starts to taste sweet. Whilst this may seem impossible at first, assuming an otherwise healthy diet you should start to notice a change in flavour within the first few weeks.    

However if the taste is too strong for you then you can also take Triphala in capsule form, which will also have a very good effect on the stomach and digestive tract.


Banyan Botanicals Organic Triphala Tablets – Certified USDA Organic – Balancing Formula for Detoxification, Elimination & Rejuvenation (90)

Make Triphala a regular part of your self-care routine and see the benefits for many years to come.

If you’re interested, here is a brief overview of some of the available scientific literature


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damian rocks astrologerDamian Rocks

I’m a professional astrologer, coach, and Ayurvedic consultant, originally from Australia but now travelling the world. At Stars Like You, the focus is on happiness. We publish great astrology articles, as well as well-researched pieces on nutrition, wellness and Ayurveda drawn from years of clinical experience.
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