Aspects in Astrology: Sun Conjunct Moon

Sun Conjunct Moon or sun moon conjunction

Sun Conjunct Moon

Aspects are a powerful method of chart analysis used by astrologers to describe different dimensions of your personality. The aspect system – derived from the principles of trigonometry – provides a unique way to understand the complex layers of your psyche. 

Keep reading to learn more about aspects between the Sun and Moon. As you go, think about how your Sun-Moon aspect influences the way you express the fundamental qualities of your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. 

To think like an astrologer you need to combine different sign/house/aspect combinations into a fully formed understanding of who you are. 

Focus on synthesis, rather than trying to analyse each part individually!


Sun Conjunct Moon or Sun Moon Conjunction

If you were born with a conjunct aspect between the Sun and Moon, then you were born  under a New Moon. This can give a singular focus to your nature that will concentrate your energies in particular ways. 

These “planets” (another term astrologers use is The Luminaries) were in the same sign when you were born, emphasising the themes of this sign. The Moon would not be visible due to its proximity with the Sun – hence the term New Moon..

You will find you have a kind of focus within your personality that other people lack. Your will and your emotional needs come from the same place. This gives you a degree of clarity and tendency to express yourself in consistent ways that lets others know what you want, as well as what to expect from you.

The principle forces which shape your personality relate to each other (Fire – to find meaning, Earth – to create stability, Air-  to know and understand, Water – to flow and connect). Basically you know what you want and what you need. 

Importantly, because you were born when the Sun and Moon were in the same sign, you experience congruency within your personality. Your approach is consistent and smooth because what you expect and what you need align.

For your own success and happiness, you should think about the element and mode of your Sun Moon conjunction (Fire, Earth, Air, Water). Whatever you do should allow you to express these traits to make the most of your natural talents.

Here’s an example. If you have the Sun in a Fire sign you want excitement and passion. If your Moon sign is in the same sign then you will be driven by a search for meaning – to express your passions in a way that makes sense to you. Look to the house position of your Sun Moon conjunction for more detail on where to put your attention.

Or you may have been born with the Sun and Moon in an Earth sign (Taurus / Virgo /Capricorn) giving a sensual and pragmatic quality to your nature. You will be reliable and outcome-driven with a strong focus on security. You need results and will rely on what you can physically prove to yourself.

With a Water Sun Moon conjunction (Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces) , there will be an emotional and sensitive quality to your nature that makes you both intuitive and impressionable. You need to explore your emotional depths and express your feelings with a strong imagination.

If you were born under a New Moon in Air Signs (Gemini / Libra / Aquarius) then you will probably be very logical and analytical in your approach. You may have pronounced social skills and will feel most comfortable when you are connected with others.

Your individual qualities of course depend on the  house in which the Sun and Moon were found at birth. The conjunct aspect can create a level of focus in your life, and makes you single-minded about what you want and need.

If you are unsure about what any of this means or want to create your own birth chart, we have a short video that can help. Look at the grid at the bottom of your chart to see if there is a circle-like symbol connecting the Sun and Moon. 

If there is, then you were born with a Sun Moon conjunction!

The Meaning of a Conjunct Aspect Between Sun and Moon


Your will  (Sun Sign) and your instincts (Moon Sign) are aligned. What you expect from life reflects your unconscious reactions. This gives you an advantage because you will tend to create circumstances that allow you to be yourself.

Learn about the qualities of your Sun and Moon Sign. This will really help you to focus your efforts. If you think about the opportunities and challenges described under our Astrology Profile section you will gain really clear ideas about how to make the most fo your talents. 

The biggest benefit you have is the tendency to be exactly who you say you are.  Whether others like you or not you come across as authentic and internally aligned. This creates the impression that you are exactly as you present. Find the right people to appreciate your abilities and you will go far.

With the Sun Moon conjunction your biggest challenge is to not  become single-minded. Any strength shown within your birth chart can become a weakness if you rely on it too much. You need to make sure you are not being too narrow in how you approach the world. 

The most practical thing to do is think about the house in which the Sun was placed when you were born, then consider how you can focus your attention on whatever areas of life this house describes. 

Remember that any sign (or set of psychological patterns)  can express functional and dysfunctional qualities. Your job is to make sure you recognise if or when you are going to extremes and find the best outlets for your talents. 

Most astrologers agree that the conjunct aspect between the Sun and Moon increases your ability to find your unique niche in life. Make the effort to excel in the affairs of your solar house and you should find life is full of unexpected rewards.

Just remember, focussing on only one aspect of your birth chart fails to account for other equally important qualities within the chart. 

It is essential that you do not try to interpret one part of your chart on its own, but instead consider the chart as a whole 

The Sun, Moon and Family Story.


One of the greatest and most fascinating mysteries in astrology involves how the relationship between the Sun and Moon at the time of your birth can reflect the nature of the relationship between your parents. 

Maybe not so much who they were as an objective couple, but more who you understood them to be. 

How and why this works is beyond anyone’s knowledge. The simple fact is – it very often does. The way you saw your parents when you were young can be accurately described by the position of the Sun and Moon in your birth chart. 

“Easy” or flowing aspects (like the trine, conjunction and sextile) are often found in the charts of people who see their parents as pretty much on the same page. 

“Hard” or challenging aspects (like the square, quincunx or opposition) are often found in the charts of people who sensed a level of tension between their parents, or who see their parents as very different people somehow. 

The fact that this occurs with such constancy is one of the features of astrology which suggests the Universe is far more complex than we currently imagine. 

Because you were born under a Sun Moon conjunction, you are likely to have grown up seeing your parents as a unified force. They shared the same values and gave you the same message. This creates a kind of singular focus in your personality.

In short, you are likely to have grown up in a home where your parents had the same view or expectations about you. Even if they did not stay together, you are likely to have seen them as on the same page. Much will depend on others aspects to the Sun and Moon in your chart – but this is a broad characterisation.

Born under the Sun Moon conjunction you have a tendency to know who you are and what you want. This makes your journey through life more unified

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