Taurus Sun Sign Star Sign Birthday Horoscope Forecast

​If Your Star Sign is Taurus… Read On

For the Taureans amongst us (and those who care to share it with them) here’s your celestial To-Do-List, helping you get your birthday month off to the best possible start

Do schedule in some serious YOU time on April 23/24th as the night skies darken with the Taurus New Moon. Your birthday New Moon kicks off the start of your personal New Year…. So prepare yourself for the days ahead by setting some clear intentions.

Say yes to doing things different 🙂 What else is new we hear you ask??? Just about everything.

2020 continues to build on major shocks and sudden revelations that have been unfolding since mid 2019. Uranus is once more tied in with this New Moon, which  mean s*** keeps getting crazy. Be adaptable.

Do mark the date. The Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon around May 7/8th pulls Mercury into the mix but hooks up with Jupiter. Learning super-practical skills while doing a cool new Zoom Meet is a cosmic must.

Think of how you can make yourself even more attractive by having essential facts or figures at hand. Re-Skill Thyself!

: It’s all about Uranus….again… You just can’t seem to shake the oddly disturbing feeling that normal will never come. What to do in a state of dystopian unrest? Plant vegetables, take up art, and perfect a slow-cooked feast of course… 

Can things get any slower? It’s Saturn time! 2020 is going down as a major turning point. Saturn is about to go retrograde whilst squaring your sign. This means you need to ask yourself what is and isn’t working in your life. Saturn favours careful deliberation – which kind of fits the overall global mood. Don’t go back to old ways if you can avoid it!


For your monthly stars follow this link to see what opportunities the Universe has in store.
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damian rocks astrologerDamian Rocks

I’m a professional astrologer, coach, and Ayurvedic consultant, originally from Australia but now travelling the world. At Stars Like You, the focus is on happiness. We publish great astrology articles, as well as well-researched pieces on nutrition, wellness and Ayurveda drawn from years of clinical experience.
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