the meaning and characteristics of Cancer zodiac signThe Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse


Between July 4-6th the Moon travels through the sign of Capricorn, and opposes the Sun which is now in Cancer. Thus a Full Moon will form which is also an eclipse, falling across the 14th degree of Cancer/Capricorn.

This lunar eclipse is the final one in a series that have been crossing the Cancer/Capricorn axis through the past two years. What adds impact to this one is that the eclipse falls on July 4th in the USA, and so is spotlighting the US national birth chart.

For a deeper understanding of what’s happening astrologically read the 2020 forecast here

Major upheaval continues around the world, and we can expect another intense month. This is a year of massive change. As mentioned in our July forecast, the cosmos is drawing our attention to matters of home and security, with stable government and reliable institutions required.

Issues of home and tribe are paramount. Think back to events around a fortnight ago with the Cancer New Moon. What – if anything – has shifted?   

Cancer symbolically relates to the the emotional bounds we form with others, especially those we make with our family, country or “tribe”. Now more than ever evolution is required because collectively we are all dealing with the shadow side of border control, innate racist tendencies, privilege based on skin colour and institutions that have been built upon the suffering of others.

– The Cancer New Moon Forecast

Saturn has also moved back into Capricorn and we have a few more months to get it right. The huge wake-up call we are being gifted with on a global level is creating the chance to dismantle old racist, patriarchal and greed-oriented ideologies. Viva La Revolucion and welcome the Aquarian Age!

At a more personal level, look in your chart to see if you have any important planets pr points around 13-14 degrees of Cardinal signs. The eclipse will bring a spotlight to these areas of your life. Some of us will be bringing certain situations to a close, and there may be an emotional climax of sorts as we say goodbye to one chapter and get ready for the next.

The Full Moon is also an opportunity to find balance. Whilst current astrological influences are very difficult, the Full Moon is free of challenging aspects – giving us all a chance to unwind

Cancer is a sign associated with nurturing, family and support. Perhaps this weekend make time to shared a meal with your family of choice and be grateful for what you have. Ask yourself what you need right now then give yourself the chance to receive it.


For your monthly horoscope follow this link to see what opportunities the Universe has in store.


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damian rocks astrologerDamian Rocks

I’m a professional astrologer, coach, and Ayurvedic consultant, originally from Australia but now travelling the world. At Stars Like You, the focus is on happiness. We publish great astrology articles, as well as well-researched pieces on nutrition, wellness and Ayurveda drawn from years of clinical experience.
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