Taurus Scorpio Full Moon Wesak full moon may 2020

Illustration: Ersat Inal @erstainalworks

The Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon

The May Full Moon is also known as the Wesak Moon, which commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Lord Buddha. As such, it is a major marker for the spiritual development of humanity, and on a personal level an important moment for both attunement and reflection.

Whilst spiritual or religious values differ from person to person, this is one moment in the year when across the globe, hearts and minds align with the lunar cycle to focus on the evolution of consciousness.

If you want to know more about the esoteric meaning of Wesak and its significance you can take a look here

Make space for meditation this week and take a moment to bathe in the light of Life

Read your May Horoscope Forecast


The Scorpio Full Moon 2020

This year, the Full Moon falls across the 17th degree of Taurus/Scorpio. That means while the Sun is travelling through Taurus, the Moon opposes it from the sign of Scorpio, resulting in the heavenly spectacle of a Full Moon.

Look in your chart to see if you have any important planets pr points around 16-17 degrees of Fixed signs. This is where the focus lies. Think about how you can use your resources more effectively, and where your true values lie.

The Scorpio Full Moon connects back to the Taurus New Moon of late April and brings a spotlight, or even point of climax, to whatever was happening for you then.

The Taurus/Scorpio axis represents security as well as attachment to desire. This reflects the essence of Buddhism. The ultimate teaching of the Buddha is liberation from desire through overcoming attachment. This philosophy is embodied in the symbolism of Taurus/Scorpio. Holding too tight to comfort or stability will block our potential for growth

Don’t get it twisted though. The sign of Taurus represent pleasure, material security and comfort. We are born to experience these things. Scorpio represents power, regeneration and desire. Without desire there is no passion – hence no spice of life. 

So the question is – how you find a place in between? Where pleasure ignites curiousity and desire pursues the best outcome for all? 

The Full Moon brings an opportunity for balance. Whilst the current series of New Moons we are experiencing are very difficult, the Full Moon is free of challenging aspects – giving us all a chance to breathe

The Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon is a moment to focus on the highest will and good of all. Like the Buddha, we are asked to let go of our attachments, anxieties or concerns and instead let our conscious attention focus on the power we carry within to transform our world.

The Buddha is an embodiment of peace and equanimity. His teaching focuses on the need to love all, respect all and have no judgement of others. When we let go of our desire to change people or ourselves, we are free to feel our own inner wisdom rising to the surface. Then we find the light or Truth rising – from the still, calm voice within.

Happy Wesak!

Illustration courtesy Ersat Inal @erstainalworks 

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I’m a professional astrologer, coach, and Ayurvedic consultant, originally from Australia but now travelling the world. At Stars Like You, the focus is on happiness. We publish great astrology articles, as well as well-researched pieces on nutrition, wellness and Ayurveda drawn from years of clinical experience.
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