The Meaning Of Your Pisces Moon

The Meaning of the Pisces Moon

Discover the meaning of your Moon Sign. Learn how understanding your Pisces Moon will help you know what you need.

Born under a Pisces Moon, you need to find outlets through which you can express your acute sensitivity. You have an extraordinary degree of perception and intuition. You need to understand how sensitivity shapes your response to life.

With the Pisces Moon, you are a highly impressionable individual. This can give you an advantage but it can also be quite challenging to deal with. You will be strongly influenced by your environment and naturally attuned to the compassionate, creative, imaginative, romantic and idealistic aspects of life. You need avenues within which you can channel your intense feelings

Your natural ability to sense what is going on around you is your best asset but possibly your biggest stumbling block. You have a way of picking up on energy that gives you profound insight. But you also have a way of losing yourself in fantastical imaginings. You need to understand how energy works and what is real.  

With a Pisces Moon, your emotions are likely to be pronounced. Pisces is the final sign of The Zodiac, and has much to do with sensitivity – to oneself, to other people, and to the mysterious, unseen forces that shape our world. 

You are likely to have been aware of mysteries from an early age, and were probably a very sensitive or imaginative child. In some ways, you have inherited these qualities from your mother and it will depend on what she encouraged in you as to how you manage this sensitivity now. 

You can easily sense hidden influences or energies. In many ways you soak up atmospheres like a sponge. Your feelings about people and situations are likely to be immediate, accurate and insightful. You need to trust your instincts more.

Knowing that your feelings provide valuable information, but can lead you astray sometimes, means that you will need to learn to recognize the difference between an intuitive response to something, and an emotional fluctuation that is based on an unconscious reaction to whatever is going on. Therefore, you need to develop your intuitive faculties. 

By learning to respect and understand your feelings, you recognize the people and circumstances that can give you the appreciation you deserve.

Your imagination is also likely to be strong. You can find nuance in many life experiences. You are likely to respond to all manner of stimuli, which can jettison you off into a world of your own creation. You need space to daydream as a form of recreation

Whether you prefer to escape into a comfortable world of your own imagination, or immerse yourself in art, anything that works to activate your imagination is nurturing for you. 

Therefore you have an advantage if you turn your talents to anything creative. Most often, the Piscean energy is expressed through abstract art forms, so anything around music, film, photography, dance, drama, poetry or painting may appeal. Even if you do not practice as an artist, you are likely to be strongly attuned to particular art-forms. 

Because the Pisces Moon is highly creative, you need an outlet for your vivid imagination. In order to relax you need creative self-expression. If you can combine that with the work you do then even better. You need to bring your vision of a better world into the here and now

That’s why I hate to take credit for the songs I’ve written. I feel that somewhere, someplace, it’s been done and I’m just a courier bringing it into the world. I really believe that. I love what I do. I’m happy at what I do. It’s escapism – Michael Jackson, Moon in Pisces

You may have had a powerful sense of knowing from an early age. As a child you might have experienced prophetic dreams, or perhaps grown up in an environment where the women in particular were known for their psychic or healing abilities. 

In fact with the Pisces Moon you may have grown up with psychic abilities. You may come from a long line of sensitives or healers – people who have knowledge about the hidden mysteries of life. 

Understanding how your “sixth sense” works is your natural birthright. Even if this awareness diminishes as you get older you are likely to have an extraordinary ability to “know” what is coming before it “physically” does.

Your instinctive awareness that there is more to life than just the “here and now” gives you an innate acceptance of things which cannot be immediately explained.

The great problem facing modern man is that, that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live. – Dr Martin Luther King, Moon in Pisces

At a spiritual level, you may have a personal relationship with your own experience of divinity. This does not mean you are religious, and you may not follow any particular faith. But you are likely to feel connected to something greater than yourself, and in your own way seek to live that experience out. 

Your life will be directed by feeling, and by the sense that there is perhaps of an unseen “Hand” guiding creation. You need to understand how spiritual realities underpin the world you see.

Love and relationship may be an area of life where you go through many lessons. Pisces is a very romantic sign. You need to discern between your need to merge with others and your need to see things for what they really are. 

You can have a tendency to enter relationships or new experiences with rose-coloured glasses. You sometimes see things in the romantic way that you want them to be, which may not measure up with the facts. 

Putting others on a pedestal means that invariably they must “fall off”. Yet you have the capacity for a rare kind of loving, based on the unconditional acceptance of others for who they are. 

Sometimes you experience an exalted kind of love that will bring you an experience of true union with another. At other times, you may need to wake up to harsh realities, seeing others for who they are, and not who you would like them to be. 

With the Pisces Moon you need to be in relationship with others who respect your sensitivity. For this to happen, you must first respect it in yourself.

The Pisces Moon is associated with escapism based on a desire to leave behind the mundane aspects of life. Accordingly, you need to withdraw periodically from the demands of life, taking time to replenish your highly sensitive emotional system. 

If you do not, you may find yourself unable to cope. Withdrawal or escape is an important part of your experience. Whether you do this consciously or unconsciously will be entirely up to you.

A conscious manifestation could involve taking time to be alone, retreating from the world for contemplation, meditation, purification and renewal. Spending time by the water, or in nature, is especially beneficial. Natural environments help release the emotional and psychological influences you have absorbed from others, and process those experiences that are necessary for your growth. 

As Pisces is a sign of compassion, you may also find balance through acts of kindness to others, expressing your compassionate nature through service. The trick here will be in learning not to take on more than your fair share. Giving is natural for you, but you may need to learn when enough is enough. You need to recognize boundaries, so that your compassion and generosity is not taken advantage of. 

A different manifestation might see you try to escape through addiction, drugs or alcohol, through becoming dependent on some kind of government or welfare system, or by becoming the victim of someone or something. With the Pisces Moon you may unconsciously become sick, vulnerable or destitute because of an underlying feeling that you cannot cope in the world.

However it manifests, the urge to escape is almost always about seeking purification, restoration and release. Becoming conscious of your underlying motives and needs will help greatly in understanding the complexities of your sensitive nature. 

By recognizing that the need to escape embodies a desire to merge yourself back with the source of “All That Is” you can set up constructive pathways to become involved in life again, through which a return to healthy balance and rewarding relationships can occur.

Useful Links

Click on the links below to find out more about your Moon Sign. 

The Moon in Pisces

What is A Moon Sign?

More about Sun/Moon/Rising Signs:

Sun/Moon/Rising Sign Combinations

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