Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Your Sun Sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are

Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

Moon in Capricorn: Characteristics & Personality Traits

Moon in Capricorn

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive or emotional energies, your innate reactions, and the things you need to feel comfortable or secure. It can reveal your emotional, genetic and intuitive makeup.

Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, the Moon in Capricorn describes who you already are


Born with the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to be innately responsible, pragmatic and measured in the ways that you respond. Capricorn is an Earth sign, and so pertains to the tangible and practical dimensions of life.


Capricorn is also known as a Cardinal sign, which implies a need to take action. When practicality and activity combine, the urge to master material resources is usually present.


With the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to have an innately serious and responsible nature, seeking to make the most of whatever resources you have at your disposal.


High Expectations

Responsibility, and all this entails, will probably form a background theme in your life. You may have had to step into a position of responsibility early in life, or received strong impressions from your parents (most usually mother) about the need to live up to certain expectations in life.

You may feel a deep sense of duty around supporting others, and will naturally be drawn to areas of life expression which allow you to demonstrate a capacity to accept responsibility. You are likely to have the ability to assist and nurture others in practical ways, and will often be seen as “the capable one” who can be relied on to find realistic solutions to current problems.


Everyone has a responsibility towards this larger family of man, but especially if you’re privileged, that increases your responsibility. – Susan Sarandon, Moon in Capricorn



The Moon is said to be in “detriment” in this sign, implying that easy and spontaneous emotional connections are not your forte. You are likely to be self-conscious in your emotional approach, and may appear reserved at first, taking time to warm to others and develop closeness.


While you may have a huge heart, you do not give it away easily. You need time to get to know others and work out how you really feel about them. It is important to understand how serious or worthwhile any emotional involvement may be before you get involved.


Whilst to others this may seem calculating, for you it is just a realistic assessment of the fact that emotional ties can be burdensome, and taking yourself seriously involves assessing exactly where a situation is taking you, and if that is where you want to be.


Yet this pragmatism can also be a source of strength. It can give you stability and create a realistic attitude to life’s emotional ebbs and flows. On the up side, this means that for those you hold near and dear, you will be consistent, strong and true. You have an innate ability to follow through on what you say, and are likely to value greatly the worth of family, continuity and emotional commitment.


On the down side however, your pragmatic approach to feelings and relationships may lead to a tendency for projecting to others a cold and unavailable nature, concerned more with the bottom line of what you will ‘get’ from a connection, rather than just being able to enjoy closeness and intimacy for what it is.

Broaden your understanding. Learn about your Sun Sign and House


Proven by the Test of Time

The sign of Capricorn relates to foundations, structures and the gift of Time. You are likely to value tradition, status, and social position. You will require from others the same level of responsibility and capacity that you demonstrate for yourself, and will respect people or situations that demonstrate longevity and persistence.


On some level, you are likely to feel most secure when you have solid structures and foundations around you. To this end you may be somewhat conservative, with strong ambitions for yourself based on recognition and accomplishment. Achievements carry powerful emotional overtones for you, and you are likely to feel an inward need to live up to being the best that you can be.

You may have a need to prove yourself ‘out there’ in the world as a concrete example of your inner values, so reflecting an aptitude for responsibility and commitment.


When you’re making pictures out of heartfelt passion, it hurts when someone calls them a calculated business move. – Michael Douglas, Moon in Capricorn


Alternately, you may have a much more private idea of what success and accomplishment mean to you. You may be less concerned with worldly success and more concerned with doing the best you can on a more personal level. You may set high standards for personal development, with a profound sense of integrity and authenticity.


Whether your focus is material or spiritual, you are likely to be committed to making sure that you achieve the things that you expect of yourself. If other features of your chart imply more freedom-loving or unconventional qualities, you may be at odds with other voices within your psyche. If you find yourself struggling between the need to fulfill obligations and the need to be free just remember that your innate capacity to commit and demonstrate responsibility can be expressed in many different ways.


As long as you live up to your own expectations in terms of what responsibility means to you, you will feel emotionally stable and secure. From this stable base, you can spin off into any form of expression you so choose.


Self-Sufficient and Strong

You are likely to be highly self-sufficient and contained, but need to remember that sometimes we build strong emotional foundations by sharing our strengths and weaknesses, talents short-comings and abilities with those around us. You are no doubt very capable, but need to be mindful of a tendency to isolate yourself upon your own mountaintop of duty and responsibility.


You may have an innate tendency to expect that no one else will be as thorough as you are, and so take on far more than you need to, at times even taking from others duties that are rightfully theirs. Try not to look down upon “mere mortals’ less capable than you, but realize that your strengths and capabilities have been earned through hard work and sacrifice, yet only count for something if you can share them with someone else.


In sharing responsibilities, you will achieve the position of respect and responsibility that you so naturally deserve. In letting others demonstrate capability and endurance, you help build a fertile platform upon which material stability is achieved

With the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to be innately concerned with how you appear publicly. You tend to be aware of the value of reputation and protocol, and so, will avoid doing anything publicly that may diminish you in the eyes of others. Because you recognize the value of a good reputation, you will strive to appear capable, contained and in-charge.


Whilst this is useful in terms of earning respect, it may mean that you avoid extending yourself at times because you will not let yourself learn. You can set such high standards of achievement for yourself that you expect to be able to master whatever you attempt almost as soon as you begin. Rather than learning through a process of trial and error, you will stop yourself doing things unless you are already innately competent.


It is important that you recognize the need for learning or apprenticeship along the road to mastery. Showing others your vulnerabilities will not hurt you as much as you may fear, and can in fact help them appreciate your achievements more through seeing your commitment to high standards through hard work.


“Yes, the strong gets more / 
While the weak ones fade / 
Empty pockets don’t ever make the grade / 
Mama may have / Papa may have
 / But God bless the child that’s got his own / 
That’s got his own.”
Billie Holiday, Moon in Capricorn (with Arthur Herzog Jnr)



Born With The Moon in Capricorn

Finally, there may also be a need to release old, crystallized emotional patterns or unconscious fears through subconscious re-programming. Because the Moon represents the genetic or emotional framework through which we view experiences and learn about the world, there may be a tendency to ‘get stuck’ when that frame is inclined to endure and ‘hold-on’. In this sense, unconscious fears, limitations and restrictions may prevent you from opening up to an easy, spontaneous flow of emotion.

Old habits and memories can prevent you from connecting with the here and now. There may be inhibitions around revealing the true extent of your feelings, and you may keep others at a distance so they never know how much you really need them. Developing empathy, the ability to self-nurture and kindness for yourself are highly recommended. This will help dissolve any old and unwanted emotional patterns, and open the door for greater vulnerability and closeness with others.

You may find tactile or emotional therapies useful for you if find this hard to achieve. Because you are used to demonstrating fortitude and resilience, you may find it hard to soften and let others in. But when you share your capacity to accept responsibility and build solid foundations in life, you are rewarded with full appreciation from those who can understand the depth of your emotional commitment.

Learn More about The Moon Sign in Astrology

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