Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Your Sun Sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are

Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

The Sun in Capricorn

sun in Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in astrology symbolizes the core essence of who you are – your individuality and sense of self.

It describes what is likely to motivate you, and why. The Sun in Capricorn describes the prime focal point within the personality, and is of major importance.

Understanding the house in which your Sun is found will give even greater detail. If you do not feel much like your Sun Sign, then consider – Are giving yourself permission to be who you truly need to be?

Capricorn: Cardinal Earth     Ruler: Saturn

Keywords: Authority, Mastery, Completion, Organization

Functional Expression: Capable, hard-working, serious, practical, prudent, trustworthy, fun.

Dysfunctional Expression: Miserly, restrictive, cold, unsympathetic, reckless ambition, fearful.


Ambitious or Not?

When the Sun is found in Capricorn, the journey involves taking action to master material resources. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is concerned with the tangible aspects of life – what can be seen, heard, smelt, touched or tasted.As a Cardinal sign, its expression is action. Practicality and an action-orientation merge to put a focus on actual achievements. 

For these reasons, those with the Sun in Capricorn are often noted for their hard work and perseverance. This is considered the most ambitious Zodiac sign. Understanding how to “reach the top of the mountain peak” is of major importance.

Yet not all Capricorns identify with the need to achieve. More specifically, Capricorns feel a sense of responsibility to make the most of what they have. They concern themselves with making the best use of whatever is available, whether this is money, education or the chance to have fun.

With the Sun in Capricorn, their journey involves learning lessons around patience and endurance. Things don’t come easy. They come through hard work. Sun in Capricorn gives the drive needed to reach the top of the mountain, whilst their ruler Saturn provides the necessary committment and restraint to achieve eventual success, overcoming every obstacle along the way.

First and foremost, the Capricorn journey involves learning lessons around responsibility. Capricorns are here to understand what it means to fulfil obligations – to live up to be the best that they can be. With a keen awareness of the resources available, they focus on pragmatic, achievable outcomes. 

Generally speaking they are realists and organizers. Yet just as much as they can be hard workers and diligent managers, they can also be great fun. Sun in Capricorn is known for having a wonderful sense of humour, and finding irony in even the most adverse situation.

Often born with ‘old heads on young shoulders’, they tend to find life a challenge until they accept that responsibility is their game. As children they can be very serious, but relax more as they age. Capricorns willingly step up to situations where they can make decisions and follow through. Achievement comes through demonstration, by navigating life’s ups and downs.Along the way Capricorns develop an appreciation for life’s absurdities. When they trust their own ability to accomplish what they intend, they relax enough to laugh and play.

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Exercising Responsibility

As a Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn represents the need to demonstrate executive or managerial abilities. This opportunity usually happens through their professional life, but can manifest anywhere.

Capricorns expect themselves to reach a certain standard. They won’t rest until they feel this is achieved. Typically the urge to meet standards will involve aiming for management positions. They usually have clear ideas about what they expect of themselves, and others. Accordingly they suit executive positions, aiming for greater responsibility and the associated achievement that comes through exercising authority.

With the Sun in Capricorn the top of their chosen mountain peak can be home, in the schoolyard, the office or community. They may be driven to work long hours with the thought of tomorrow. Whatever they see their ultimate end they can work tirelessly to achieve it.

Capricorn is also associated with tradition, convention and maintaining the status-quo. This sign is known as conservative because they aware of the need to maintain what has already been gained. Why take risks with the unknown when a proven path has been laid?

Even the most fun-loving and exuberant Capricorn will carry an inner sense of what really needs to be done. As an Earth sign concerned with material resources, they will favour the tangible and concrete over the aspirational or ideal.


Because of this awareness, Capricorns tend to hate waste. Dispersion usually represents a failure to make the best use of whatever is available. Whatever the resources are, Capricorns have a strong aversion to behaviour that dissipates potential. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” as far as Sun in Capricorn is concerned.

Capricorns are also likely to be reserved, dignified and proud, aware at all times of the impression they make on others. As Capricorn is a sign associated with reputation, they will not do anything publicly unless they know they can do it well. In this way, Sun in Capricorn teaches others the value of a good reputation, building solid structures which endure the test of time. 


The House Your Sun is In and What It Means

Click on the link to find out more about your Sun’s House and how to express your strengths

First House     Second House     Third House     Fourth House     Fifth House    Sixth House

Seventh House      Eighth House      Ninth House      Tenth House       Eleventh House      Twelfth House

Do you know which House your Sun is in? Find out more about your Solar House

Achievement Over Time

Latent within all of this focus on achievement and tangible results lies the seeds of failure and doubt, for Sun in Capricorn often find that their road to the top is plagued by false starts and limitations . They can that feel like Life is holding them back.

They are here to learn what it means to achieve, and must do this through challenge and endurance. Sometimes, resentment around not receiving their perceived due generates inner tension. Capricorns can be very hard on themselves as well as others. 

They can become quite severe in the attempt to control outcomes and get to the top. They may also can become bitter if they cannot find a useful reason for all the obstacles in their lives.  But the stern hand of experience can become an even sterner task-master if they do not give themselves a break.

It is important with the Sun in Capricorn to see themeless as a work in progress and therefore allowed to stumble and fall. Along the way to mastery they must know what it means to fail.

When they recognize that achievement is a process they are less likely to be consumed with self-doubt. By accepting their need to master and take responsibility they can take the time required to do things properly, whilst allowing other people to fulfill their obligations in their own way.

Not everyone has a defined goal to strive for, and Capricorns need to accept that others may not have the same end-game as they do.

Often, Capricorns find that real “success” only begins to show after the mid-30’s. It may seem like they have to work twice as hard as those around them when young, especially when others seem to leap-frog effortlessly into positions of prominence.

Yet this is also a learning opportunity. Nothing worthwhile is achieved unless it is done step by step. Although their efforts may take longer to pay off, in the end Sun in Capricorn can feel secure because no-one can take their experience or expertise away.

Capricorns usually achieve what they want through perseverance and application. In this way, they master their chosen realms. Then they can go on enjoying all the benefits that mastery involves – such as inner certainty, conviction, wisdom, moral fortitude and importantly, the ability to mentor others in their turn.

Capricorn is a sign connected with material benevolence. The desire to build strong families, communities or companies through mentorship often emerges once they feel satisfied with their lot.

Hard work pays off when they see the benefits accrued flowing down to children, employees or community projects they have become involved with. At the end of it all, they are often very willing to assist others with their practical wisdom and material strength.


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Spiritual Wisdom

Another dimension of this sign is spiritual wisdom. An ancient symbol for Capricorn is the Mer-Goat, a half-goat / half-fish creature that derives its wisdom from both intuitive and physical realms. For some Capricorns, there is a pronounced desire to explore the spiritual dimensions of life, in very practical ways.

Capricorns take wisdom seriously, and are often prepared to face their faults candidly. This allows them to liberate themselves from the many binds of the ego. They learn how to transcend the physical by accepting it for what it is.

Many spiritual teachers, including Jesus Christ and Dr. Martin Luther King, are associated with Capricorn. This sign has long been seen as one of great mystery and depth. Some esoteric astrologers call this the sign of the Initiate, who achieves mastery over the physical before offering transpersonal service.

Sun in Capricorn can teach the lesson of practical spirituality and its application to the everyday. Furthermore, this sign relates to institutions and civil society. In fact, civilization itself is symbolized by Capricorn. For cohesive structures to endure, there must be a Will-to-Good that pervades society. Capricorn represents longevity and the endurance of the human spirit through developing spiritual wisdom.


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Fun and Physical

On another level, Capricorn is a very sensual and physical sign. They can be very indulgent at times.

Although they may be reserved in public, when the door is closed and curtains pulled, another story unfolds. Capricorns often have a highly developed sensuality that needs to be expressed.

Honouring the body through exercise and play is essential. If work and ambition becomes all-consuming, their best bet is to schedule time away from it all so they can enjoy themselves to full advantage.

Many Capricorns have a powerful sex drive that needs an outlet, and have a way of making up in the bedroom for all the straight-laced behaviours they may show on the outside. Sun in Capricorn can be the literal party-animal, knowing how and when to have a good time by making the most of whatever is available.

As much as Capricorn is a sign of hard work and endurance, it is also a sign of celebration, showing others how to enjoy in the pleasures of life. In ancient times, the festival of Saturnalia – a celebration of wild abandon – was celebrated during Capricorn time. Now Christmas and New Year is a time to celebrate the gifts of life.

Many astrologers consider Capricorn to be the most enigmatic and mysterious sign of the zodiac. All of the cardinal signs indicate seats of power and in a creature with the forelimbs of a goat attached to the tail of a fish, the abyss of the ocean is combined with mountainous terrain. This represents a ‘cross of matter’ between the psyche and its manifestation in the material, drawing the soul out of its collective stupor to confront the challenges of reality and individualism. The ocean, besides symbolising primordial roots, relates to instinctive wisdom, secrets, and knowledge that lies buried within the depths of consciousness. Capricorn, bearing only the tail of an aquatic creature, keeps a head that is free from impressionable thought – at a rational level Capricorns are affected only by what they can define through logic and reasoned assessment, but unconsciously, spiritually and emotionally they draw from the deep.- Deb Houlding


What is my Star Sign and is that the same as my Sun or Zodiac sign? Learn what Star Signs mean


The Sun in Capricorn: Your Capricorn Solar Journey

Born with the Sun in Capricorn, you bring the gift of practical wisdom achieved through mastering material resources. Although life will place its fair share of obstacles along your way, you can triumph in the end through patience and consistency.  Your journey involves demonstrating a level of accomplishment that can only be gained through perseverance and a thorough understanding of whatever task is at hand. If success is yours, you will have earned it, and as you get closer to the top of your chosen mountain top you will experience the inner satisfaction of knowing you have mastered every step along the way.

The secrets of endurance are in fact the stuff upon which civilizations and spirituality are founded. Your sign is one of longevity, teaching others how to live well in the physical through accepting responsibility and enjoying the rewards that come. Accept your serious mindedness and plan for the long-term. Then the challenge you face in the moment becomes just another step along the way.

BUT WAIT….. There’s More!

There is so much more to your personality than just your Sun Sign. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon Sign describes who you already are. Your Rising Sign reveals how others see you

Scroll down to find all the tools you need to understand your unique gifts



About Your Sun Sign

Discover how your Sun Sign can reveal your life purpose


About Your Sun’s House

Get the expert perspective. Learn how the houses of your chart influence your Sun sign 


About Your Zodiac Strengths

Find out how your Sun Sign reveals your greatest strengths 


About Your Moon Sign

Meet your Moon Sign – The other major influence which describes who you are 


About Your Rising Sign

Why do others see you that way? Find out what a Rising Sign or Ascendant means


About Your Unique Personality

Explore Your Complete Astrological Profile – SUN, MOON AND RISING SIGNS COMBINATIONS 


About Your Mercury Sign

How do you think and process information? Learn about your Mercury sign   


About Your Venus Sign

Unlock the secrets to love and attraction with your Venus Sign 


About Your Mars Sign

What makes you act the way you do? Meet your Mars sign 


About Your Birth Chart

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About Astrology

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Watch this Video: Your Sun Sign and What It Means

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