Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Your Sun Sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are

Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

The Sun in Scorpio

sun in scorpio

The Sun in Scorpio

The Sun in astrology symbolizes the core essence of who you are – your individuality and sense of self. Your Sun Sign is of major importance. The Sun in Scorpio describes what is likely to motivate you, and why.

Exploring the house in which your Sun is found will give even greater detail. If you do not feel much like your Sun Sign, then consider – Are giving yourself permission to be who you truly need to be?

Scorpio: Fixed Water     Ruler: Mars

Keywords: Transformation, Intensity, Purification, Power

Positive Expression: Creativity, healing, transformation, regeneration, loyal, focussed, pure, intimate, erotic

Negative Expression: Destructive, annihilation, cruel, seductive, manipulative, controlling, betrayal, possessiveness.


A Deeper View

When the Sun is found in the mysterious sign of Scorpio, the emphasis is on the subtle and profound. Motivated by a need for emotional closeness, Scorpios seek connection and truth. Those born with the Sun in Scorpio often have much to learn about the nature of intimacy and power.

Scorpio is a complex sign with many dimensions of expression. This complexity is traditionally described by the three symbols which are associated with the sign – The Scorpion, The Eagle and The Phoenix. Each symbol reveals something about what motivates the Scorpio individual, and so what their purpose in life might be. With the Sun in Scorpio, strong intuitive abilities help them penetrate to the essence of reality, to see things and others as they truly are.

Ruled by the Water element, Scorpios are sensitive individuals. They have an almost compulsive need to face the truth about themselves and the people in their lives.


Scorpio is associated with desire, sexuality and release. It also relates to the psychological motivations which underpin human behaviour. Through confrontation with their own and other people’s true nature, those with the Sun in Scorpio tend to experience life lessons that acquaint them with the depth of what it means to be human. This insight gives them the opportunity to offer a truly compassionate understanding of human nature to those who can benefit from it most.

Scorpio also governs matters to do with life, death, transformation, intimacy, relationships, destruction, renewal and regeneration. This sign rules crisis situations, life and death decisions and emergency services.

Scorpio also has a financial emphasis, meaning that there can be a talent for managing other people’s resources. Accordingly, Scorpio is connected with stocks, bonds, investments and strategic decision-making.

This sign is also associated with hidden matters such as magic and the occult, as well as depth psychology, forensics, criminology, mafia and any study of unconscious forces. Those born with the Sun in Scorpio often have an uncanny knack for sensing the subtle or hidden undercurrents in a situations. They respond in ways that bring hidden dimensions to light.

Scorpios can excel in any circumstance that calls for reconstruction, renewal and reform. Usually those born wth the Sun in Scorpio will be drawn to at least one of these areas of experience. They have a flair for confronting issues head-on.


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Finding the Truth

This capacity to perceive the core of what drives other people means that Scorpios are unlikely to mince words. In negotiations and discussions, they have the ability to put their finger on exactly what is happening, or needs to be said in a given moment, in order to bring about change.

This ability to “call a spade a spade” means they can be very effective in all forms of analysis, strategic planning or conflict resolution. They can also be especially useful in any activity that requires the removal of obstacles from a given path.

They can make excellent healers, counsellors and psychotherapists because of this capacity to uncover the truth. By sensing their way down to the foundations of psyche, they gain the perspective to look at things realistically and assess what is truly going on.

This need to get to the essence of things comes from a powerful urge to face truth. Scorpio is a sensitive and subtle sign. Whilst the may appear calm and controlled, they are easily hurt and need time to learn to trust. Once their trust is given, it is unflinching and loyal.

Because they are so sensitive, they know when something untoward is afoot. They quickly sense when others are keeping the truth from them, and this feeling will make them hold themselves back.

They often prefer to sit back to assess others first, watching what they are doing, how and with whom before deciding who it is they can trust. Scorpios tend to be very private people, and even the most extroverted Scorpio will keep certain things strictly to themselves.

It takes time for them to open up and share. They tend to value privacy and personal space. When feelings of trust and intimacy do develop, then they can be the most caring and generous of lovers or friends. For Scorpio, intimacy is a precious thing that cannot be given and must be earned.

Their sensitivity however makes them vulnerable, and they seek to protect this vulnerability by confronting the source of whatever is challenging them or causing them concern. By facing problems at their source, they hope to disarm an enemy or a situation before it has the opportunity to overpower them.

Their best offense is defense, and they do this with lethal precision. They will confront the truth about themselves, as well as other people, if it will bring them closer to their goal. This need to face what is going on can come across as provocative or confrontational. Scorpios can appear controversial – even threatening – simply because they are seeking to expose the truth.

With the Sun in Scorpio, the ability to uncover hidden matters means they can see through any facade, and pick up on any attempt at deception. It is very difficult for anyone to pull the wool over Scorpio eyes. They use this uncanny sensitivity to protect their vulnerable feelings, and seek out those they can fully trust.


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The House Your Sun is In and What It Means

Click on the link to find out more about your Sun’s House and how to express your strengths

First House     Second House     Third House     Fourth House     Fifth House    Sixth House

Seventh House      Eighth House      Ninth House      Tenth House       Eleventh House      Twelfth House

Do you know which House your Sun is in? Find out more about your Solar House

Finding The Light Within The Dark

As much as Scorpios are famed for their intensity, they are also famed for their sting.

Learning to recognize and deal with the negative or toxic parts of their own nature is an essential part of the journey toward truth. There is an “all-or-nothing” quality about this sign that must be handled with care.

When they love someone, they do so completely. They can be especially devoted, caring and committed. But when they feel threatened or uncomfortable, they may show a more destructive side which can be the source of much heartache and regret.

Because Scorpios deal in power and truth, they know the impact their words can have. They also know that words and truthfulness can be used to harm others as much as they can be used to heal.

Those Scorpios who have not learnt to refine their personalities can use a well-aimed remark to destroy another, attacking them at their weakest and most vulnerable point. A certain amount of power is gained from this ability to find another’s weakness, but this power is something they must wield with care.

The toxic, unconscious and non-regenerative aspects of their own nature will make them strike out defensively, preemptively wounding others to keep them at bay. This then poisons potential relationships, and destroys what might otherwise be healed.

It is very human to blame others for the faults we also carry ourselves. Scorpios need to recognize when this shadow is operating so that it can be redeemed and brought into the light.

This requires absolutely honesty, firstly with themselves. Once they see themselves more clearly, they are in a much better position to recognize when they need to keep clear of someone, and who it is they can really trust.

Consequently, it is important for Scorpio’s to become aware of their own faults before they can comfortably deal with others. This sign requires that they examine their own emotional natures, in order to grow and evolve.

It is important that they learn to spend time alone, and get to the bottom of what they are feeling and why. As a Water sign, they may experience intense emotional needs and desires. These desires demand satisfaction, and can lead to obsessive states of mind.

Becoming obsessed about an outcome or a person is a strong signal that something else is going on. Often, Scorpios carry deep desires to posses or control another person as a way to conquer some undisclosed aspect of themselves. The other person represents a part of themselves they are unconsciously trying to bring into the light.

Finding and refining these undercurrents will lead to a purification of their sense of self and their relationships.

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Astrologer Deborah Houlding has described it like this

For Scorpios who lack conscious direction this can seem an exhaustive ongoing process, a life full of highs and lows, passion and pain, with the zenith and nadir of experience expanding with each successive turn. There is no doubt that this full exposure to experience involves pain, suffering, hardship, distress and agonised emotions. The ‘private parts’ relate symbolically to the depths of the hidden, unlit realms; where the raw, gritty and disquieting elements of all that is unpleasant and socially unacceptable take place. Most Scorpios have encountered the harsher realities of the world at some level or another, and being fixed in disposition they retain their experiences – even the most in-depth, transpersonal counselling techniques can only help to bring acceptance and understanding, they do not erase the memories. Through Scorpio we are drawn to confronting and conquering such demons, a journey requiring an honest acceptance of how we contribute towards, as well as suffer from, the issues that underlie corrupted patterns of behaviour.

Once Scorpio has embraced transformation they can operate as a powerful force for change. Not only does their own life improve , but they become adept at helping others to improve themselves.

Scorpios are often privy to the secrets of others. Because they value privacy they recognize the value of what others share with them. Scorpios can act like vaults, holding the difficult truths people need to share about themselves when they have nowhere else to turn.

Scorpios know the power of secrecy, and will keep a confidence with great loyalty. This sign is also connected with catharsis, and by letting others confide in them, those with the Sun in Scorpio have a way of helping them let go of whatever is holding them back. By facing emotional truths honestly, they help themselves and others change.


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Resource Management

A further aspect of the Scorpio nature involves the management of other people’s resources.

This is a very financial sign, and Scorpios often have special talents in dealing with finance and resource management. They excel at strategic planning and having an intuitive awareness around when to go forward and when to pull back.

Their sense of timing is often excellent, as they can read the subtle energies pooling in the moment. Scorpio can patiently wait for exactly the right moment to act. Their success comes from having the tenacity to hold onto momentum when other, less resolute individuals have lost focus or let opportunities dissipate.

Scorpios have an intimate understanding of power and its potential. So they know how to use it to maximum efficiency. Thus, they can be naturally attuned to work in government, financial and property markets, where the ability to see the true value of something or wield power from behind the scenes is a real asset.


Sun in Scorpio: Your Scorpio Solar Journey

Born with the Sun in Scorpio, your journey is likely to involve learning through transformation and change. You are here to experience power and see how power operates through life. You may see this process in yourself or other people, and can develop great strength through constant cycles of crisis and regeneration. Over time, you gain inner wisdom through confronting your own inner demons and desires.

In essence, your journey is one toward greater levels of intimacy both with yourself and other people. You are likely to seek deep, one-on-one encounters with others where you can explore the depths of your emotional nature. From intimacy comes real growth, as well as a unique perspective on the mysteries of human life. To attain this level of illumination, you must always be truthful with yourself.


BUT WAIT….. There’s More!

There is so much more to your personality than just your Sun Sign. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon Sign describes who you already are. Your Rising Sign reveals how others see you

Scroll down to find all the tools you need to understand your unique gifts



About Your Sun Sign

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About Your Sun’s House

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About Your Zodiac Strengths

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About Your Moon Sign

Meet your Moon Sign – The other major influence which describes who you are 


About Your Rising Sign

Why do others see you that way? Find out what a Rising Sign or Ascendant means


About Your Unique Personality

Explore Your Complete Astrological Profile – SUN, MOON AND RISING SIGNS COMBINATIONS 


About Your Mercury Sign

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About Your Venus Sign

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About Your Mars Sign

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About Your Birth Chart

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