Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

Your Sun Sign describes the centre of your personality, what motivates and drives you, and who you are learning to become

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive and emotional nature. Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon describes who you already are

Your Rising Sign shows the way you project yourself, how others see you, and the kind of experiences needed to make your life meaningful.

Your Ascendant is Aries

Aries ascendant rising

The Meaning of Aries Rising


Your Aries Ascendant (or Aries Rising) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, as well as the ways in which you immediately respond to the world around you.

It also describes the kinds of experiences you need to have to make your life meaningful. Aries rising is assertive and direct

The combination of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant describe what you want (Sun), what you need (Moon), and how you will go about getting it (Ascendant).

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Born With Aries Rising

Planetary Ruler: Mars

Born with Aries on your Ascendant (or Aries Rising), you are likely to approach life in a straight-forward and direct manner. Aries is a physical and dynamic energy. Accordingly, you are likely to love a challenge, enjoy being busy and will generally move toward your goals without delay.

Unless there are other more passive qualities in your chart, you are likely to be a self-starter with plenty of ‘get up and go’. Your gift is the ability to initiate, take charge and pioneer. Independent by nature, and self-reliant in many ways, the challenge with Aries Rising is to maintain patience, finding ways to collaborate with others when necessary.

Aries Rising describes the ways in which you present yourself to others. The sign and house position of the Sun in your chart will much greater detail. By combining the qualities of your Sun Sign and Rising Sign, you can identify the areas of life in which a sense of purpose and deeper meaning can be found.

For a well-rounded picture, the qualities of your Sun Sign and House should be considered with the qualities of your Moon sign. Just remember, focussing on only one aspect of your birth chart means you will miss out on other equally important qualities within your overall astrological makeup.

It is essential that you do not try to interpret each part in your chart on its own, but instead consider your astro or birth chart as a whole. To think like an astrologer consider how the different components blend, react or flow. If you want a very detailed interpretation then you can arrange your own personal consultation


Aries Ascendant – A Dynamic Approach

Aries rising implies you will bring an enthusiastic, dynamic and fun-loving approach to most new things. You are likely to be capable and energetic, prefer a high degree of autonomy, and need to feel as if you are in charge of your own affairs.

You have strong mental energies and may love to debate, argue or “butt heads”. Pushing the envelope is fun for you. You may need to learn not to take on challenges purely for their own sake. Eventually, you will discover how to incorporate qualities such as diplomacy and tact as you achieve your ambitions.

Again, how easily this happens will depend greatly upon the rest of your chart. With Aries Rising your direct approach is your strength and your challenge.

With Mars ruling your Ascendant, you can project at times a competitive edge. You can attract attention to yourself, and will project maximum influence when getting new things off the ground.

Others will see you as capable, but possibly brash. Accordingly, you would do well to think about how you are expressing this dynamism. Are you foolishly jumping in, or are you simply taking charge? With Aries rising it can pay to slow down long enough to ask the question – “Am I rushing in where angels fear to tread?”

Conversely, in family matters, you may be inclined toward self-sacrifice. You are willing to undergo hardship and sacrifice for the sake of those you love and will endure many limitations if you can see a higher or more noble cause.


Aries Rising – Taking Charge

To live the full potential of your Aries Ascendant, you need to become decisive and take action. How able you are to do this will depend upon other factors in your chart. Qualities such as courage, strength and self-assertion may need to be developed if you are to meet the challenges that life presents.

Not all of you will rush headfirst into new projects, but it is important that you have a degree of autonomy in at least one major are of your life. On the flip side, with Aries rising you should take care not to isolate yourself in a drama of your own making. Independence is a far cry from being alone

 Schedule a consultation if you want to understand how your unconscious patterns can otherwise undermine your strength.


On The Move with Aries Rising

It is also important to recognize your need to expend physical energy, without expecting the same from others. Exercise and lots of activity will help keep your nervous system functioning well. Inactivity can lead to moodiness and emotional overwhelm.

You will find yourself feeling dull or flat if your energies have nowhere to go, and so you are advised to make sure you have enough happening to keep you mentally engage and physically occupied. With Aries rising you need outlets for your dynamic and assertive energies.


Starting Early

Self-reliance is often learnt early in childhood. With Aries rising you may have developed this through spending a lot of time alone for some reason. Periods of isolation are needed to establish the independent, courageous qualities mentioned above. Often, there are difficulties with parents, especially the parent of the same sex, because your Aries Ascendant encourages you to assert your independence and chart your own path.

Aries rising children are often noisy, rambunctious and enthusiastic. Yet, despite these challenges, cheerfulness and a willingness to engage with others is also usually present.

It is highly likely that you will experience some difficulty early in life around expressing your independence, either through overshooting the mark with too forthright an approach or feeling afraid to go it alone. However, this will diminish in time, as you gain greater awareness around how to use the primal, powerful and assertive energy of your Aries Ascendant to its best.



The Gift of Aries Rising


Your task is to find faith in your creative ability, so that you can initiate new things. The sign and house position of the Sun in your chart will give you many clues as to how this best happens for you. You need to experience yourself as an instigator, and be recognized as a self-starter. You have strong tendencies to do things on your own which will incline you to be self-sufficient.

According to Howard Sasportas, with Aries rising “Life is best viewed as an adventure, quest and challenge”. Ask yourself if you are willing to jump in – headfirst – to tackle all that life throws at you. If the answer is yes, then you are heading in the right direction!



Your Aries Rising Approach



Your Aries Rising Approach 

See yourself through somebody else’s eyes. Learn why you approach things the way you do

Aries Rising Approach


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