Your Aquarius 2020 Astrology Forecast

Your 2020 Aquarius astrology forecast from Stars Like You. Discover the astrology for 2020 and how it will influence you #astrologyforecast #horoscopes #2020astrology #2020forecast #starslikeyou

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Your Aquarius 2020 Forecast


Compassion is a key note for you this year. With major forces clustering to impact some of the deepest arenas of your psyche, you are learning what it means to really accept others for who they are, and appreciate whatever talents they bring.

Whilst your nature tends toward being egalitarian anyway still it is important to let go of any critical tendencies that may arise.

Some of you will notice that 2020 feels like a stepping stone. Saturn is about to enter your sign, and will stay here from 2021-23. Somewhere between the future and the past is the present tense.

You are inwardly preparing for this period – a cosmic cycle which last occurred around 29 years ago. From late March you get a sense of how the next two years should unfold. But you won’t see the real deal until early next year.

Jupiter in Capricorn creates the chance to turn inward and benefit through esoteric means. Healing and expansion of consciousness is highlighted. Some of you may see unexpected sources of income emerge. If you have a business mind, then 2020 is excellent for you to broaden your scope. Consider your networks and think about who could benefit you most.

January and June feature eclipses that will strongly impact everyone. This year will springboard you into the future, even though there may not be clear pathways laid down. Others may be deep in the process of saying goodbye to the old. 2020 is about leaving behind old habits, friends and perspectives as you clear the path for something new. Once you’ve released yourself from redundant situations, you will be in a better position to proceed.

2020 is a test of compassion. You will need to be more patient and forgiving this year.  As you do this you will transform your understanding of what matters most.  Take regular time out to be thankful for the things you already have, as well as the things that are yet to be achieved. A big shift is coming in December this year. So try to be as understanding as possible until then.

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